What is it that is older than everything? it is love
What is it that outlives everything? it is love
What is it that cannot be taken but itself takes all? it is love
What is it that cannot be given but itself gives all? it is love
What is it that perseveres when everything falls away? it is love
What is it that comforts when all comfort fails? it is love
What is it that endures when everything is changed? it is love
What is it that remains when the imperfect is abolished? it is love
What is it that witnesses when prophecy is silent? it is love
What is it that does not cease when the vision ends? it is love
What is it that sheds light when the dark saying ends? it is love
What is it that gives blessing to the abundance of the gifts? it is love
What is it that gives pith to the angel's words? it is love
what is it that makes teh widow's gift an abundance? it is love
What is it that turns the words of the simple person into wisdom? it is love
What is it that is never changed even though everything is changed? it is love
and that alone is love, that which never becomes something else...
"Soren Kierkegaard"
The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio